Monday 5 March 2012

Crochet and Spring Flowers

I hope you had a good weekend.  Mine consisted of the wool stall, housework, crochet and violin practice.
The wool stall is doing well and another order will have to be sent this week to keep up with demand.  I am thinking seriously about selling wool on-line but this is a long way off.  It is but a twinkle in my eye at present.
Housework is an evil that cannot be escaped for long.  Goodness knows I try.  I set the timer and do half hour stints peppered in between with half hours of things I like doing more.  This way the work gets done but I don't feel that my whole day has been spoilt. The crochet is a spur of the moment new project.
I was inspired to use the peach, mint and apple green after seeing a website at work which used these colours for their text and borders.  I replaced their orange for peach as I didn't have a subtle orange only one that shouted in your face.  The scheme works quite well and will look very pretty.  I started it on Saturday and already it is quite big.  That's the beauty of crochet.  It grows at a great pace.

Whilst tidying round I cleared by window sill which was looking like a dumping ground for everything imaginable.  The wonderful tub of Hyacinths I purchased last week are looking beautiful and are a new colour.  I thought they would be the generic blueish colour you seem to see a lot of but these are a lovely mauve.  Of course once they come out fully the stems start to bend which is surely a design fault on their part but after the inventive use of knitting needles I was able the sort out the problem.
Spring flowers are my favourites.  They tell us that Spring is just around the corner and I can't wait.
Have a great day.

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