Monday 10 June 2013

Another Trip to Old Moor

Sometimes I find it difficult to keep things fresh and new when blogging.  As I'm sure you will agree, our lives tend to slip in to a pattern and mine is no exception.
We go through phases.  One month it might be canals and narrow boats, then stately homes, another might be pretty gardens and then down the line we might move on the bird watching and nature reserves.  We seem to be in the latter phase at present so you might notice that we keep having repeat trips to the Old Moor Nature Reserve at Dearne Valley, on the road to Barnsley.
I love this place, not only because it has lots of birds but also because the land it is set in is so beautiful.
As you can imagine, there are always lots of wild flowers and as a amateur photographer this gives me plenty of opportunities to practise honing my skills.
Flag Iris
It's great to be able to get up close to nature and the fresh air isn't bad either.

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