Tuesday 26 June 2012

Baking Day

Sunday was my type of day.  I had nothing planned so was able to sit in bed browsing the Internet.  Catching up with unread emails and blogs and discovering new crafts on You Tube.  More on that later if things work out.
I sat on the sofa in my PJs eating toast and Marmite watching TV.  It was heaven.
Suddenly I received a text from Heather and was kicked into action.  Blossom Art Silicon Moulds £5.99 at TK Max. ' OMG I'm on to it' was my reply.
Dashing upstairs I bathed and made myself presentable before screeching down the road in my C1.
What might you ask are BASMs? (see above).   Wonder no further.  If you are a regular reader of this blog you will remember that I went to the NEC trade fair earlier this year and these moulds were demonstrated there.  Also Heather at Miss Cakeaholic uses them all the time to create beautiful cupcakes.  I have been after these for a long time but felt that the normal retail price of just short of £10.00 was abit steep.  Now you realise what all the fuss was about and why I had to get to the shops immediately.  The downside was that I had to buy my least favourite.  It was the only one left.  I would have liked Petunia or the blossom one, but beggars can't be choosers.
It did however turn out to be rather an expensive outing as of course no one stops at just one purchase do they?
Cupcake cookie cutters are always handy and there is a recipe with this.  Irresistible!
I couldn't not buy edible dusting colour could I?
Oh yes, eye makeup by Elf.  This is a company that is popular in America and recommended by a couple of ladies I watch on You Tube who kindly show me how to put my make-up on so I don't look like Coco the Clown.
There was one more thing but that's a present for my son so I can't show it. (No it's not a Star Wars T-shirt).

Finally it was off to Tesco to stock up on supplies and back home to do a spot of baking.
I know what you're thinking.  Unfortunately I need a little more time and practise to do the pretty flowers so that will be for another day.  I did however use giant chocolate buttons for the butterfly wings on the top buns and microwave fondant icing for the bottom ones (both are new products) so these little morsels aren't that ordinary and the ladies at my Knit and Natter group enjoyed them immensely.

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