Sunday, 23 February 2014

New for Old Chairs

We have now completed week three in the shop and it is still better beyond my imagination.  I love being there and I love everything about the whole working for myself thing.
My customers have been great and have welcomed the new shop with open arms.
There has been the odd quiet time and I have been filling the lull by reupholstering the old chairs which I inherited from one of Steve's friends.
This is what the first one looked like before its makeover.
And afterwards ...
I used some fabric that I bought on Worksop market and a mighty staple gun from Rymans and hey presto.  It took literally half an hour, maybe less and the chair has been transformed in to something I would be proud to have in my house let alone in my shop.  I popped a bit of wadding under the fabric just to give is a little bit more of a feel of newness.  I love it.
You probably noticed in the shop pictures that I have a very green table.  This originated as a £20 charity shop find and now takes pride of place in the central area of the shop.

It gets used everyday and is invaluable when we hold our knit and natter sessions.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

The Grand Opening of Needlecraft Corner, Worksop

Well the day finally arrived and my lovely lovely shop opened at 9 o'clock on the 4th February 2014.
We had a very busy day which ended with our first Knit and Natter.

The shop has now been open six days and so far everyone has loved the place.
I can't believe that this is all mine.  I am so proud of what we have achieved and it can only get better.